Astrology Planner (15-12-2020)
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Daily Leo Horoscope Sun, Dec 13, 2020. Moon Sign based. Leo Moon Sign Moon Sign. Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. Leo Monthly Horoscope December 2020 If you were born under the sign of Leo, in December you will emotionally experience a situation in the lives of your friends, neighbors or colleagues. This will be an event that will require more moral and emotional support from you and others. Daily horoscopes. Today's predictions, Leo for Mon December 14th, 2020 and each zodiac sign. Also, the day's horoscope chart, auspicious times and lucky points.
- Business deals
Ordinary day stick to routine activity only.
- Love & relationships
Not on easy day. Chances of lack of mental connect.
- Money transactions (Loans/Investments)
Avoid all monetary transactions throughout the day.
- Speculation in stocks & shares
Not favorable. You should hold all investments.
- Important letters or email communication
Not suggested. Wait till tomorrow.
- Journey
Not a favourable day to commence any kind of activity.
- Purchase of new house/ car
Not auspicious.
- Moving into new house
Inauspicious day throughout.
- Gambling
Not favorable
- Start new medicine /surgery
Not a favourable day for both the activities.
- Initiating legal proceedings /notices
Unfavourable day throughout.
- Offensive action involving violence or aggression.
Ineffective day mostly.
- Construction/Building activity
Unfavourable day throughout.
- Educational activity /admissions
Not a favourable day at all.
- Commence religious ceremonies
Unfavourable day stick to routine activity.
Leo, a Fire sign, is ruled by the Sun and it is the second astrological sign of summer.
Is 2020 a lucky year for Leos?
For Leos, the stars and the chances seem to keep smiling in 2020. The warning, however, is real for the Leos because they tend to exaggerate with money spending.
🆕Update –> Your Leo Horoscope 2021 is ready!
Planetary Influences on Leo in 2020
Saturn in conjunction with Pluto on January 12 is not going to come empty-handed, but it will bring plenty of luck, optimism, expansion, a lot of cheerfulness, and work capacity, according to the Horoscope 2020 for Leo .
All these perfect ingredients will make 2020 an ideal year for the people born under the Leo astrological sign.
Located in one of the two financial houses of Leo, Jupiter (the Greater Benefic) can bring you interesting and tempting gaining opportunities in the first nine months of 2020.
However, no matter how favorable this perspective seems, it is recommended to act cautiously, levelheaded, and without haste.
Leo Gambling Horoscope
Be careful, especially in March-May and August-September of 2020: these periods are very challenging for the Leos, and with a high level of risk.
Looking from another perspective, Saturn, important not only due to its location in Leo’s love house but also because it is the traditional master of Leo’s couple house, makes a harmonious association with Uranus, located in Leo’s ninth house.
This shows that Leo’s love is intensely stimulated or it can be connected with the superior mental, or with breakups.
The new ideas will bring you a lot of money, Leo! Jupiter spends six months in the area of creativity, romance, children, and fun, inviting you to explore with enthusiasm a lot of possibilities.
When Mars is retrograde, between September – November, Leo may encounter some real problems in managing emotions constructively. They need to learn how not to try to be in control of others, nor to assert their power.
Being reserved is the key to all your problems. As you become more reserved, your problems will get solved.
Venus in apparent retrograde motion through the house of love, after October 5 of 2020, will bring a boost of energy that will amplify your desire to express your feelings, love, and romanticism for someone truly special.
Some Leos might accept a challenge, someone from work or your close circle of friends can draw your interest.
In 2020, Leos enjoy the planetary support of Saturn and Uranus, which favor progressive changes and renewals, based on a well-thought plan, which will help them develop important long-term projects.
Moreover, Uranus supplies them with energy and ideas, while Saturn offers tenacity, wisdom, and strategy.
Love & Relationships
2020 will not bring easy relationships. You need to be loved and appreciated, admired and valued and yet it seems no one does this year.
You will find yourself late to dates and gatherings, and you will pay the price. Until after the spring, it is not a time for long-term commitments.
By late summer though you are back on track for love and improved living conditions with partners or spouses.
Relationships have a tone of seriousness and heaviness that you are not used to.
It is a lesson in mature mutually rewarding relationships that you are learning. It is not an easy lesson to learn, however, it is an empowering one.
Will Leo get married in 2020?
In 2020, those born under the Leo sign will have the chance to meet someone with whom they can start a new relationship, and those who are already in a relationship may become parents.
The single Leos will be closer to their hearts, choosing with their soul this year. The Leo men can get ambitious to find the ideal lover. The single ones can be open to flirt, becoming charming, and they can meet someone with whom they can start a new relationship. It is possible that the meeting will take place due to common activities, hobbies, even at a party, or when having fun.
Career & Work
2020 will find you challenged in areas of management, coordinating, directing, and collaborating.
It is a time of testing. You most likely will not see a promotion or advance in career in 2020 but this time of build a solid foundation will pay off remarkably by mid-2021.
You will be responsible and have an increasing sense of responsibility for work and co-workers.
It is a time of testing. Prevail and you will win big with almost a radical revolutionary change next year.
Crumble and your career will take a hit. Late in the year you will probably attract, both personally and professionally, those that will be in your life to help you with long-term goals.
You have conflicting needs in 2020. Your natural need to splurge and over-extend is restrained with a sense of responsibility.
The sense of responsibility will lift by mid-summer, but don’t get overconfident; this is a time to get your finances in order.
Your long-term future depends upon it. You will see a focus on house, home, land, your roots, extended family this year.
If you do splurge this year, a good place to do it would be on renovation or decoration of your home.
This year is also a time to invest in your long term future. Past mishandling of money will emerge and have to be dealt with this year.
Leo Lucky Gambling Horoscope
Health Predictions
Your health could be tested this year but drawing you into a forced regime of discipline in your exercise routine at home.
It’s the year to invest in the exercise equipment and use it! During a testing time you need all the energy, stamina, and wellness you can draw upon.
You will find you’re more concerned about relationships, the lack of meaningful ones, and career, the lack of advancement, but now is the time to add the discipline of wellness for the long-term.
A level of maturity will result and bring you much reward. You will need this optimal health until mid-2019 when things ease in all areas of your life.
Astro Forecast by decans:
- 1st decan: if your birthday falls between July 23 and August 1
As reported by the 2020 Leo horoscope, this is a year of inner ‘knowledge’ and learning and most of your outer actions will be geared towards handling responsibilities and dedicating yourself to bringing into reality the things which you are building inside while you process and work through your deepest needs. - 2nd decan: if your birthday falls between August 2 andAugust 12
Partnerships remain vibrant and energized throughout the year and provide some amazing growth as well. - 3rd decan: if your birthday falls between August 12 and August 22
Much of your love area is rather ‘out of your control’ but the universe promises cosmic magic at its finest if you move through ego boundaries and insecurities to embrace ‘what is’….rather than what you ‘think’ should be.
2020 horoscopes for other sun signs
Leo Gambling Horoscope
Leo Personality Traits
Gambling Horoscope For Leo Today
- You are playful creative and fun-loving. A pure delight and joy to be around. You express yourself warmly and are strong, vital and energetic.
- You are open and honest expecting other people to be as well. You have personal power, the strength of will, charisma and leadership potential.
- People may look to you for direction and see you has a role model – A Star. You thrive on the attention this brings and being in the lime light. When you are spontaneous you are wonderful and a source of entertainment. To you the world is a stage and you will take any opportunity you can to perform.
- Excessive pride and vanity are faults and you need to learn not to let them get in your way. Because you are majestic you feel you should be treated like royalty and lesser mortals should make way for you.
- The purpose of your life is to play, to have fun and enjoy yourself, bringing joy and sunshine into the lives of others, “The Entertainer”.